I was awarded both first and third place in infographics in the Orange County Press Club awards contest.


1st Place: “Hate Crimes” (direct links 1, 2, 3) by Sonya Quick.

“I like the colors and how they match each other and pick up the orange of the publication. The animation puts this one over the top. I really love how it calls attention to the graphics.”

Independent judges

3rd Place: “Live Election Results” by Sonya Quick with James Gordon and Jacob LaGesse.

“Clean and understandable charts. Nice use of color, particularly in the bottom section.”

Independent judges

I was also part of the winning team that placed first in social engagement.

Audience Engagement

1st Place: “Voice of OC Convenes Local Experts on Coronavirus, Elections to Answer Most Pressing Questions of Readers” by Norberto Santana, Jr., Spencer Custodio and Sonya Quick.

This series of live podcasts brought together residents who have questions about news topics and experts, with journalists at Voice of OC moderating and asking the questions. The mostly virtual discussions offer a unique connection between news makers and news readers. Tens of thousands of people have viewed the collection of live podcasts and hundreds of reader qustions have been submitted and answered from across the internet from Instagram to Twitter, from our contact us reader form to anonymous questions sent to our encrypted inbox.

In this series, I managed the marketing, technical implementation, assistance and guidance to featured experts, solicited reader questions across email and every social network and conveyed analytics around performance for each event.

“Really strong copy combines well with images and overall layout, easy and informative to view, read and listen.”

Independent judges